Naturopathic Treatments

Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of healing. Naturopathic doctors utilize a full range of treatment options including: clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, and hydrotherapy and physical medicine.


Clinical Nutrition

Clinical nutrition and dietary counselling involves the therapeutic use of specific food and nutritional supplements to treat a variety of health concerns. Special diets, food elimination, variations in dietary habits, or the use of nutritional supplements may be recommended.


botanical Medicine

The use of plants for healing dates back to the beginning of civilization and is the foundation of modern pharmacology. The use of herbs in many forms: teas, tinctures or capsules are used.
Naturopathic Doctors have extensive training in the use, dosing and interactions of plants for therapeutic benefit.



Acupuncture involves stimulating certain points on the body through the insertion of fine needles to activate the body’s healing response and optimize the flow of energy. Acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins, which relieve pain, reduce stress and enhance the immune system.


Traditional chinese medicine

TCM is based on the belief that harmony between two opposing yet complementary forces, called yin and yang, supports health, and disease results from an imbalance between these forces. There is also the belief that the quality and balance of Qi, a vital energy that flows through the body, affects overall health.


Lifestyle Counselling

Naturopathic doctors address all aspects of a person’s life, identifying and addressing the impact that stress and life events have on a patient’s health and assisting patients to make effective lifestyle choices. There is a strong emphasis on the mind-body connection and it’s impact on health.


Hydrotherapy and Physical Medicine

Hydrotherapy involve alternating between hot and cold water to stimulate circulation and promote healing. It is effective in supporting the immune system, reducing pain and promoting the excretion of toxins. Physical medicine focuses on treating muscle and joint strains, arthritis and other types of pain using massage, muscle stretching/strengthening and manipulation of the spine and extremeties.

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